
Cari Makan

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

4 SCC PG Gathering at "Rush Jimmy" 27-02-2006

Sick for a week, missing meeting my dear old friends at Wee Chea's place and also his babies, I decided to have this dinner cum gathering at "Rush Jimmy" in Bayan Baru.

It has been a few months back since we updating each others news even though some of us are working in the same company (:P). My life has changed a bit especially after "DotA" entered my life. (If you want to know what DotA is, go to DotA) :P

As usual, a few photographs taken and the first I'll like to put here is......1st 4SCC baby - Titan & Papa

Second, of course our most intelligent, hardworking and lansi Mr. Sam......
And FYI, he got a new car and a new house. :)

Third, our most talented, heavyweight (CGPA & KGs) and charming Mr. Lai......

Lastly, our 2 most beautiful 4SCC gals in PG. :P

As finale, I present you again with "Titan & Papa".

Hopefully the next gathering, we will have our ironman aka superbird and family guy with us.

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